The Importance of Communication Skills for Scientists, Researchers and just about anyone!

I was recently asked to write a short bio and reflect on what I've learnt and what skills I continue to use in my daily life after taking a subject on Science Communication. Why is communicating important? Why should scientists, researchers, businesses, governments and just about anyone share their ideas? We live in a complex... Continue Reading →

The simple things bring the greatest happiness, and YES you have time!

I hate the feeling of never having enough time, it makes me so unhappy. It’s just that feeling of rushing, I can’t focus on one thing and my head is everywhere. More often than not I find myself out of air and my body aching from the sprint I just did to catch my punctuality... Continue Reading →

A slightly personal Personal Journey So as you can see above, nothing has changed between my 2014 and 2016 self. I still am terrible at taking selfies, the end. You now know all of me! 2 years is the time that separates these pictures and yet I don’t look like I’ve aged a day, I’m... Continue Reading →

Issue #5 – Happiness

One Worldly issue at a time Issue 5 – Happiness Happiness is far more than a simple chase for pleasure, it involves many other aspects of our lives. People are beginning to realise the need for social connections to maintain our happiness. This piece takes the view of happiness being the means to have a... Continue Reading →

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